Collection: Aladino Corojo Reserva
Smoking a cigar is about much more than the flavors alone, it is about the entire experience it creates. For many, a large part of that experience comes from how they view cigars overall. Cigars have developed this classic, sophisticated feel to them that harkens back to the mid-20th century. You can just imagine a well-dressed man in a suit, smoking a cigar with a glass of alcohol sitting on the table by his free hand. Cigars often take us into this sort of mindset, bringing out this timeless sensation to create a full-on experience while smoking.
One cigar brand that does this extraordinarily well is the Aladino Corojo Reserva cigar. This cigar was crafted to bring the look and feel of a classic cigar up to the forefront once again. JRE cigars come through yet again with the Aladino Corojo Reserva cigar, inspired by classic cigars from the flavors down to the packaging. This cigar is made with pure Honduran Corojo tobacco as the filler, binder, and wrapper, rich in this distinct flavor down to the last detail. Those who know their tobacco leaves will easily recognize this flavorful tobacco by scent alone. The cigar is a full-bodied smoke that contains earthiness, cedar, and black pepper to create a robust smoke that packs a punch. This is a smooth, full-strength cigar that is perfect for anyone who wants to sit back and enjoy the timeless feel of a good smoke.
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